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Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Attorney General's Chambers in Brunei Darussalam

The Attorney General's Chambers

The Law and Courts Building
The Law and Courts Building,
Km 1 Jalan Tutong,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BA 1910,
Telephone: +673-2231200

The Law Building

The Law Building,
Km 1 Jalan Tutong,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BA 1910,
Telephone: +673-2244872
Fax: +673-2223100

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday and Saturday:   

from 7.45 am to 12.15 noon
from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm

Payment Counter:

Monday - Thursday:

from 8.00 am to 11.30 am
from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm


from 8.30 am to 11.00 am

About The Attorney General's Chambers

The Attorney General is the principal legal adviser to the Government of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan. He is assisted by the Solicitor General and Counsels in advising the Government and representing the Government in civil and criminal cases. The Attorney General is also responsible for the drafting of legislation. In carrying out the task of legislative drafting, the Attorney General's Chambers work closely with the relevant Government Ministries and Departments.

The Attorney General is vested with the power under Article 81 of the Constitution to institute, conduct or discontinue any offence other than proceedings before a syariah court or proceedings before a court martial. All criminal prosecutions are instituted in the name of the Public Prosecutor. In carrying out this duty, the Attorney General is not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority. He is assisted by Deputy Public Prosecutors in the conduct of criminal trials held at the Supreme Court and the Subordinate Courts.

In addition, the Public Prosecutor and his Deputies also advise, and direct prosecution undertaken by the police and other law enforcement Departments including rendering advice in their investigations.
Apart from carrying out the above duties, the Attorney General's Chambers also provides service to the public by maintaining the following Registries:

-  Civil Division— To Provide Quality Legal Advice and Representation For Government Ministries Departments and Agencies
-  Criminal Justice Division-- Safeguarding a fair criminal justice system for the public, victims and defendants by maintaining a competent and impartial prosecution service.
-  International Affairs Division-To Deliver The Highest Quality Legal Advice and Assistance to the Government of Brunei Darussalam And Its Agencies Through the Effective Application of Public International Law”
- Legislative Drafting Division-- To provide Legislative Drafting Services of the highest quality for the Good Govermance of Brunei Darussalam"
-  Registries Division

Ø   Powers of Attorney Act (Cap 13)
Ø   Registration of Marriages Act (Cap 124)
Ø   Bills of Sale Act (Cap 70)
Ø  Trade Marks Act (Cap 98)
Ø  Industrial Designs Order, 2000 (s7/00)
Ø  Inventions Act (Cap 72)

-  Administration & Finance Division:
Ø  Division Profile
Ø  Archive Unit
Ø  IT Unit
Ø  Law Publication
Ø  Library
Ø  Translation

Type of laws in Brunei :
·         Acts, Orders & Enactments (including subsidiary legislation, amendments, notifications and appointments)
·         Government Gazette Part II
·         Laws repealed, revised and omitted

-Articles Intended for general information only.

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