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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Brunei Shell Petrolium Company Sendirian Berhad

Brunei Shell Petroleum Headquarters,Seria,Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Shell Petroleum Co Sdn Bhd (BSP) is a dynamic, world-class company and one of the biggest energy companies in Asia. We have a long history in Brunei of more than 80 years and we are at the leading edge of energy technology. We put safety and environment at the heart of everything we do and invest in the people and community of Brunei.

Related sites:-

Oil and Gas Discovery Centre

Joint Venture Companies
Brunei LNG Sdn Bhd (BLNG)
Brunei Shell Marketing Co Sdn Bhd (BSM)
Brunei Shell Tankers
Associations and Schools
Brunei Shell Ladies Association
Panaga School
Recreational Clubs 
Brunei Shell Recreation Club
Panaga Club
Panaga Natural History Society
Panaga Sub-Aqua Club
Panaga Athletics Society                             

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